The Vermont TU Trout Camp is an all volunteer lead program and we could use your help! 

    Spread the Word:

    With so many enrichment and camp opportunities for today’s youth it can sometimes be difficult to reach potential campers. We welcome any and all help in spreading the word about our program. If you know of any kid in the 13-16 year old age range that might enjoy a week learning to fly fish in the famed Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, please share this opportunity. You can also help spread the word by putting up posters and posting announcements on social media.

    Posters (in 2 sizes), and a brochure with application can be downloaded from the Sponsors Page. If you attend events where you might encounter a potential camper, take an application along, or put up a poster at your village store or community bulletin board.  A promo for camp is also on the sponsors’ page and should regularly appear on your town’s Front Porch Forum – or anywhere else that is appropriate.

    Make a Donation:

    The actual per camper cost of the program is $1250.00. We ask each camper to contribute $450 towards that expense. In order to subsidize the cost of camp we need to raise approximately $15,000 through fundraising each year. We get a tremendous amount of support from the Vermont chapters of Trout Unlimited as well as the Vermont council and Greater Boston Chapter of TU. We also have support from many generous sponsors throughout the region (see our sponsor page for details about who they are). However, gifts in any amount can help us close that gap and are tax deductible as provided by law. If you are so inclined we would welcome your support. Checks can be made out to VT Trout Camp and can be sent to PO Box 892, Montpelier, Vermont, 05601

    We also receive a tremendous number of in kind food donations in the form of maple syrup, bread, ice cream and meat. As you can imagine, active teenagers eat a lot of food. If you know of any business that might be willing to make such a donation please put them in touch.

        Tie some Flies:

        As you can probably guess, we go through a lot of flies at camp! We are always in need of flies for the campers. If you and/or a group tie flies over the winter, please consider ear-marking some for camp. Email us for a list of useful patterns. 

          Volunteer at Camp:

          In our 12 years of operation, we have attracted an extraordinary group of counselor/volunteers who spend most of the last week of June in camp and on the water with our campers. As volunteers, we often wonder who gets more from the camp experience, the kids or us… As one long-time volunteer wrote in a report to his local TU chapter, “As I’ve said to you in past reports, it remains, quite simply, as on-mission an activity as I’ve ever participated in as a TU member and goes to the very heart of what we should always be doing as TUers: infecting young fly-fishers with an enthusiasm, not only for fishing, but also for stream restoration and conservation.”

          Our volunteer staff is quite devoted and most return annually for this rewarding event. If you would like to serve as a counselor/instructor at camp, simply email us, providing your availability and a brief fly fishing skills resume, and we will contact you when you are needed.